Angel Town Productions


Live Sound - Show Production

Concerts, clubs, private events, churches and most other settings.

Hands on knowledge of:

Behringer X32, Midas M32, Allen & Heath SQ6, PreSonus StudioLive

Most analog boards and outboard processors

E-mail us or call 800-811-2876 for a quote.

Hiring a live sound engineer vs a studio engineer

Often engineers in the studio have near perfectly controlled environments in which to precisely hear frequencies, volume, stereo placement and other qualities of the mix they are creating. Their equipment is state of the art and often they have seemingly unlimited time to create the perfect mix. The perfect mix, within the parameters that are required for a commercial release. A narrow dynamic range, lows that need to also have mids so they can be heard on smaller speakers, etc.

A live mix, on the other hand, is tailored for a specific room, speaker system and event. It does not have to be compressed to make sure it s still heard at low volumes. It can have a bass sound in the lowest of lows, and still come through clearly. The band can be twice as loud in the chorus as in the verse creating an energy that is simply impossible in a commercial mix.
